Spring Membership Update

This past winter, while the garden was resting, we took the opportunity to reflect on what worked well for us in past years and what could be better in the coming year. We created a “task force” consisting of both officers as well as general members to think about ways we could strengthen and improve our infrastructure and procedures, with a specific focus on communication and engagement with both members and the public, as well as the tasks of garden maintenance. 

Each general member will be required complete 2 units of work per month and members with plots 4 units. Units of work are defined as: 1 open hour shift (2 hours), 1 task of watering, or 1 unit of a special project (however much takes place on 1 day eg. organizing an event, building planters, maintaining compost, administrative work). Each open hour shift is two hours long with 2 members per shift and members will serve as ambassadors of the garden welcoming neighbors, fielding questions, etc. Members can sign up here or let Alison know which shifts you would like. Please do not sign up directly on the whiteboard in the shed!!! Alison will transpose all signups onto the whiteboard. Alison will take on the first shift (10am-noon) on Saturdays for new member orientations and if members need to discuss anything with her.

Also on the white board will be a list of garden tasks for the week that members are encouraged to complete during their open hour shifts. Members who are unable to complete work requirements due to disability or age-related infirmity are welcome to request an exemption.