Uprooting Racism in the Garden: Allegories of Racism

Community gardens require more than water and weeding to stay healthy and nourish their members. Inspired by a Green Thumb workshop, we formed an Uprooting Racism team that works to increase equity and to counter racism, gentrification, and other forms of oppression within our garden and the larger community. Activities have included: posters along our fence that combine messages with beautiful imagery; a food and culture sharing event; land acknowledgments at our meetings; and more gender inclusive language.

This year, we’ve implemented monthly Uprooting Racism gatherings. As a sign of our commitment to this work, all garden members are required to attend at least one per season. In June and July, members watched this powerful TEDx talk by Dr. Camara Jones (also shown at the Green Thumb workshop). It presents four simple but elegant allegories about racism, including The Gardener’s Tale.  At 15 minutes long, it’s perfect for viewing and discussion in small groups, and we hope you will check it out!

Where are you, or your community garden, on the conveyor belt of systemic racism that Jones describes? Are you going with the flow? Trying to walk backwards? Or organizing with others to jam up the gears and get off?

Image credits: 

“Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener’s Tale.” Dr. Camara P. Jones, Am J Public Health. 2000;90: 1212–1215