Patchen Community Square is Licensed!

HPD and Green Thumb have approved our license for use of the lot. We're official!! There are a few things to note from the license:

4. The agreement starts June 2012 and will expire twelve months after commencement. B. This agreement is specifically entered into for the following activities: B.1 Design and install a plant garden and maintain it B.2.a Send a representative to the educational workshops offered by GreenThumb and submit proof of attendance B.2.b Post a sign that it's being operated with the assistance of GreenThumb and a contact B.3.b Keep sidewalks, passageways and curbs on or adjacent clean and free from snow, ice, garbage, debris and obstructions B.3.e Keep the gates open for a minimum of 20 hours per week from May 1 to Oct 31. Post signage listing open ours, schedule of planned activities and info on how to join B.4.a Neither cause nor permit construction of permanent structures

Note that this is just a sampling of the license.

Our next and final step will be to fill out the GT 2011-2015 Registration form and return it to Green Thumb. We already completed it, but I guess we need to send it in again. Please contact me to be included on the registration form. I would like to get this back to them asap.

As we are now officially official, I would like to get the lot back on track. We've started cleaning it out, but more work needs to be done and with more man power. It would be great if we could plan a work day this weekend or next, preferably in the morning as the summer is hot. Please let me know if you can commit to helping and if I can get a couple of people, I'll get all the tools necessary and get flyers out into the community. For Patchen Community Square to be successful, we need you!