Meeting Notes from July 24th Meeting

License- We were approved last week. Pam to review and make copies for the board.

Green Thumb Application - We need to submit a list of gardeners (at least 10) and their contact information to Green Thumb. - Also included in that application is how new people can become members in the future. We discussed three steps: 1) Go to a Meeting 2) Volunteer 5 hours 3) Small donation

Funding - Kenny and I opened a bank account for PCS with TD bank last weekend. We currently have $145 in that account and need to maintain a $100 balance to not be charged fees. - We can change where specifically the money is going for on ioby, but will need to come up with a new budget. We will keep it as is currently and fundraise through that, but in the future, ideally paypal or a comparable service will be used so we can control the funds directly. Regina will look into what it means to set up a non-profit / tax id - Came up with some new ideas for future funding of the lot: Sell plants/flowers; Field trips for kids with parents donating a few dollars; Church tent ministries; America Reads; Selling veggies grown in the lot; jazz night

Next Steps - Lex has informed us that on the 25th, there are 30 volunteers through 596 Acres that we can get to help out. So we will be doing that. We will rent tools and put up signs in preparation for this event. - Kenny and Cash will be taking samples from the lot this weekend and sending them in to get tested for lead and any other contamination - I will look into getting mulch from Sanitation or another source since GrowNYC is out - Regina will be donating cement to build up the sidewalk in front of the gate - Kenny and I to discuss when next meeting is to be.

Wine Tasting Tentative new date is Sept 15. Regina/Pam to confirm.